Lisbon UMC


The Lisbon Methodist Church located in Lisbon Village (now closed).

The town of Lisbon Maine is comprised of three villages, Lisbon Village, Lisbon Center and Lisbon Falls.  At one time each village had their own post office and fire department.

The first Methodist house of worship was built in Lisbon Village in 1818.   As the town grew, the people of Lisbon Falls decided they needed their own building. In 1886 a special quarterly conference was called with twenty people in attendance. This group formed itself into a Methodist Episcopal Church which was to be part of the Lisbon Village charge.  In 1888, at a special meeting of the official board, the Lisbon Falls Church was authorized to buy a parcel of land for the purpose of erecting a church building.  Action was taken immediately and a choice lot on the corner of School Street and Berry Avenue was purchased.  A building committee was organized and, as plans progressed, a local contractor started construction in May of 1889.  Work on the building was completed in October of that same year at the cost of $3000, which included the beautiful stained glass windows. The building was dedicated on October 17, 1889.

As soon as the lot was purchased, a group of women banded together to help raise money for the building. They served public suppers, held food sales, and did sewing such as quilts, aprons, and fancy work.  In 1890 this group became the Ladies Aid Society and was active for many years. In 1910 the Church organized and chartered the first Boy Scout Troop (#109) in Lisbon Falls and in 1940 it organized and chartered the first Cub Scout Pack (#109). Both are still active today.

Sadly, in 1980 the Lisbon Village church had to be closed. The church building and parsonage were sold and the two congregations were combined in Lisbon Falls to become The Lisbon United Methodist Church.  In 1981 a new parsonage was purchased across the street and is still in use today.

A major addition was added to the church building in 1996.  This addition provided much needed Sunday school class rooms, a larger kitchen, a new fellowship hall, and church office.  In 2003 a major restoration of the sanctuary was accomplished and an elevator installed.

On October 4, 2009 we celebrated our 120th anniversary and Home Coming. We were honored by the presence of five of our former pastors who also participated in the service. Our Golden Members were recognized for their 50 years of service as were all people who have upheld the church with their prayers, presence, gifts, and service through the years.

Since its beginning we have been very active in our support of the Lisbon Area Christian Outreach (LACO) food pantry and clothing bank. Our missions and ministries also include, Lisbon Homeless Project, free public meals, Christmas food baskets, Widows Fellowship and our Bible studies. The former Ladies Aid Society has evolved into the Evening Circle. This women’s group oversees the monthly bean suppers. They also organize special fund raisers and collections in support of the church. We continue to work hard, finding new ways to achieve our mission of making disciples for Christ.

       Current view of the Sanctuary