MISSIONS How YOU can help – Get Involved!
Mission Shares – United Methodist Conference connectional support provides ministerial support, global and regional missions and relief and more (read more…)
Lisbon Area Christian Outreach (LACO) – volunteer serviced food pantry and clothing bank supported by 9 local churches and the local communities of Bowdoin, Durham & Lisbon. The church also supports the program through fundraising activities, (read more…)
Lisbon Homeless Project – the church works in conjunction with the Lisbon School Dept. liaison to provide school supplies and needs to homeless students (& their families). (read more…)
Camp Mechuwana (read more) http://www.mechuwana.org
OUTREACH – Outreach Committee – serves as a body to collect donations for various mission projects, both locally and nationally, such as the U.S.M.C. Reserves’ “Toys for Tots” program (and more…).
New Beginnings Outreach & Drop-in Center for at-risk or homeless youth, in Lewiston, Maine (newbeginmaine.org). May 2021 – collecting personal hygiene items, outdoor protection items, clothing essentials and more. To see the full list, click here.
Imagine No Malaria
Habitat for Humanity Heifer Project
https://www.habitat.org/ https://www.heifer.org/
Operation Gratitude http://www.operationgratitude.com/
Toys for Tots
Christmas Dinner-in-a-Box serving 21 families in the Lisbon community each year
Backpack program/School supplies for local children
Tedford Shelter — “Warm Thy Neighbor” heating assistance program – Also a recipient of proceeds from LUMC’s annual NHN 5K Run/Walk
Tree Street Youth Center
Coupons for the Active duty military
Can Tabs for Shriner’s program
Nurture Committee – group care for congregation. Members send cards to other church attendees to celebrate a special occasion or call/visit shut-ins or the ill to keep them connected to the church family.
Meals for Seniors Click the program name to learn more
Cards of Care for residents of local assisted-living care facilities
Prayer Shawl Project
Bible Study
Soup-er Bowl (meals for shut-ins)
Widow’s Fellowship – Open to all – this group meets once a month for lunch and fellowship support. Occasional special porgrams are presented. Contact Virginia Barden for details.